
"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home"


How do you decorate for the sense of hearing? Well, actually, what you put in a room actually has an influence on how the room sounds. Soft furnishings like couches and armchairs, along with carpets, absorb sound and make a room sound muffled.
On the other hand, hard, reflective surfaces like stone and porcelain make a room more “echo-y”. Try to add soft textures to absorb some of the noise: soft furnishings, rugs and throws will help.

Music: If you enjoy music, there are plenty ways to turn a room into the perfect listening space.

Natural sound:

Water: The sound of water helps some people to relax as it provides a calming noise. If you are among those, maybe consider adding a small water fountain.

Wind chimes: Place these outside of windows near kitchens or bedrooms to add soft background noise that is both relaxing and subtle.